This backpack is made of taiga cowhide and Monogram eclipse coated canvas. It is a design of taigarama series. It is fashionable, modern, low-key and retro. With details such as quick release buckle and 2 zipper bags, it can safely and quickly pick up items, and has practical functions. The large capacity main compartment can hold 1 laptop. Sea blue taiga cowhide and Monogram eclipse coated canvas
The temptation of bag - LV m30419 taigarama series taiga cowhide outdoor blue Backpack
When you see a luxury bag, do you like its design, style, workmanship, quality, or pure sense of good-looking, eye-catching, or brand logo? If your economic conditions and spiritual realm can control more than 100000 bags, I believe that choosing authentic products has a unique understanding and significance for you. It is not to show what you want through a genuine product? If it's for the sake of face, it's not necessary. Brand bags are constantly new. It's more embarrassing for you to carry a bag that was ten years ago. If you want to buy high-quality things at a low price, high imitation is still a good choice. LV is the first choice in high imitation, because Lv is the best one to make fake bags. There are many people who use it. We are used to it. We don't see that it's very fake, the style is young, and handmade is very real. The quality and price guarantee can make you excited. Although it's high imitation, after all, not everyone can get such goods. We are our own factory and employ professional Italian teachers Fu production, the process is absolutely 1:1 superior, large to fabric, small to hardware are using the top quality materials to make! This is our resource advantage.
First of all, there are different grades for the original bags of famous brands. For the time being, I will divide them into four categories: one-to-one, original, top-level and original. One to one, in short, looks the same as the real one. And the use of materials also refer to genuine, genuine is cow leather, genuine is sheepskin with sheepskin. Hardware and version can be consistent with the authentic. The original quality is on the basis of one to one to improve the quality and workmanship of leather hardware, and the details are handled more carefully.
And the top products are very powerful. They are all purchased from the factory counter and then disassembled. Almost as like as two peas, it's enough to be false. And the original list is very few in the market, and not many people have the channel to take out the original list to sell, so we should polish our eyes to avoid being cheated.
We are only a manufacturer of high-end original bags. Our products are well recognized by our customers. The logo of the bags is accurate to the flowers, and the workmanship is exquisite and meticulous! All of our products are made of imported original fabrics and hardware. Each version of our products is made of genuine open mold. No matter in appearance, shape, size, it is a perfect replica. All of our products are middle and high-grade imitations, which can be compared with the genuine ones. The accessories are exquisite and complete, which is synchronized with the Chanel backpack counter in South Korea. We deliver on the same day, more efficient!
For people like me who eat melons, these bags can only be seen. Within the scope of ability, it's good to buy your favorite bags and wear your favorite clothes. For the students who always like bags, famous bags are their dream. Elegant bags are what every girl wants to have. If you really like luxury brand bags and don't want to spend a lot of money, go to the original shop recommended by Daren
更新日期20210423 104313